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Thrust Osciliating Tapered Roller Bearing

Timken Bearing

Thrust Osciliating Tapered Roller Bearing

Oscillating bearings feature stamped race designs with an outside retainer that holds the assembly together for shipping and installation. Timken offers three types of oscillating bearings – TTSP, TTC and TTCS.

TTSP (oscillating, with cage)
We make TTSPs thrust bearings with two tapered thrust races, rollers, a cage and an outside retainer which holds the components together during shipping. Customers use these bearings mostly in the steering pivot positions of automotive and industrial equipment. TTC & TTCS (oscillating, cageless)
We make types TTC & TTCS cageless bearings consisting of two tapered thrust races, rollers and an outside retainer. TTC and TTCS types are identical with the exception of the retainer construction.

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